Issues of labour law of strategic importance

Getting familiar with institutions and regulations in the area of individual and collective labour law will enable managers to improve their ability to appropriately define tasks for personnel services and consulting companies instead of replacing them. The workshop includes only a scope of information necessary for making strategic decisions by managerial staff; execution of such decisions is routinely delegated to services or specialised entities.

Strategy of shaping collective labour relations

Participation in the workshop will enable managers to improve their knowledge on instru-mentation allowing them for effective execution of instructions from company authorities. The workshop is dedicated to principles of shaping relations with trade unions resulting from the strategies and ways of their implementation adopted by the company.

Importance of HR in restructuring processes

Due to knowledge acquired in the workshop, HR managers will be able to participate in im-plementation of processes of change in the manner singificantly supporting their accom-plishment. The topic of the workshop concerns the role of specialised personnel services in development of the process of change, both at the stage of designing and implementation of strategic solutions, and ensuring operational efficiency of the adopted solutions. The work-shop also includes topics related to effective communication and a successful social dia-logue.

Social dialogue in restructuring and privatisation processes

Knowledge acquired in the workshop will enable managers to weigh interests of social part-ners and construct legal frameworks for agreements contracted in the process of change. The workshop includes a discussion of economic premises of a dialogue of the social part-ners in restructuring processes and its impact on management of economic organsations. During the workshop legal instruments of a dialogue as well as the role and principles of the social partners cooperation in the processes of change will be analysed.

Shaping social relations in a capital group

The workshiop will enable managers to improve their knowledge for effective use of capital group services specialising in conducting of a social dialogue. The workshop will be dedicat-ed to development of guidelines and procedures of cooperation between specialised units and the coordinator of social relations within a capital group.

Labour law versus multi-entity structures

Due to knowledge acquired in the workshop, managers will be able to improve their skills in application of their employer’s competences while belonging to a multi-entity structure. The topic of the workshop includes issues specific for management of an entity composed of many employers as well as entities that in spite of formal employer’s independence are in-cluded in a group that has common objectives and accomplishes a common policy.

Outsourcing versus labour law

Information and case studies presented in the workshop will help managers facilitate making decisions concerning separation from the company of non-basic activities and predict real effects of such decisions in the area of employment. The workshop includes topics related to development of the company structure that will prepare separation of secondary activity, appropriate assignment of employees to particular areas of activity and issues concerning relations between the activity separation and a transfer of employees among employers.

Effects of company mergers in the area of employment

Participation in the workshop dedicated to problems related to the process of company mer-ger and a passage of a company to a new employer will help managers facilitate an evalua-tion of impact of the selected formula of a company merger on the effects in the area of la-bour law. It will help to learn about the employer’s obligations and impact of the process on workers’ labour relations, collective labour agreements and other in-company acts.

Institutions of collective labour law

The scope of information provided in the workshop will allow managers to improve their skills in using institutions of collective labour law as instruments for enhancement of human re-sources effectiveness. The workshop concerns legal regulations related to collective labour law and in-company acts that determine relations of the parties to employment relations in a company.

Negotiations of issues in the area of labour law

Thanks to knowledge gained in the workshop managers will be able to improve their skills in negotiations leading to the maintanence of balance between solutions deemed to be optimal and the best interacting ones. The topic of the workshop includes issues concerning free-dom of the parties to employment relations in establishment of mutual rights and obligations, representation of the employer and employees in negotiating of mutual rights and obliga-tions, institutions of labour law set up to determine workers’ collective rights and typical is-sues being subject-matter of negotiations in the matters of labour law.

Impact of social agreements on managerial decision-making process

The scope of knowledge provided in the workshop will enable managers to improve their skills of minimizing the effects of limitations resulting from social agreements. The workshop includes issues related to the impact of commitments assumed towards employees and trade unions that considerably exceed legal standards on the modes of management of enti-ties they concern.

Cooperation with works council

Information acquired in the workshop will allow managers for choice of effective methods of shaping the relations with the works council in a company. The workshop is dedicated to issues connected with appointment and operation of the works council at the employer’s and the scope of issues that are subject to informative and consulting obligations as well as de-sirable forms of conducting a dialogue with a non-union representation of workers.