labour relations

Legal standards enact the obligation of cooperation of entrepreneurs with representatives of employees. Lerion shapes desirable relations between the social partners and represents them.

Managers directing organisations benefiting from labour of big groups of employees can see not only the need to build appropriate relations with particular employees but also – and maybe first of all – with employees as a community. An issue of big complexity is shaping social relations in capital groups.

Standards of European law and regulations of national law enact the obligation of cooperation of entrepreneurs with trade unions and other representatives of workers in creating of in-company labour law and shaping of collective labour relations.

Lerion provides its Clients with a support in the process of shaping of appropriate relations between the social partners and effective conducting of informative, consulting and negotiation processes.

A social dialogue appropriately conducted in a company results in measurable outcomes and is a profitable enterprise already in a medium-term perspective. Management through a dialogue is an effective method of management of personnel and collective labour relations, showing at the same time entrepreneur’s social responsibility.

  • social dialogue in a company
  • shaping social relations in a capital group
  • accomplishment of informative, consulting and negotiation obligations negotiations of the social partners