Discrepancies and different understanding of employers’ and employees’ interests as communities and their representatives results in disputes. Such disputes are not subject to court jurisdiction and are settled following legal regulations about collective dispute settlement in a dialogue of the social partners.
Divergence of interests may result in instigation of collective disputes by trade unions through pressing claims of whose execution is often groundless, is not in the employer’s interest or exceeds his possibilities.
Lerion provides its Clients with a support in settlement of disputes, starting from the stage of pressing claims, through bargaining and providing assistance in the mediation process, to procedures in a social arbitration board; it also conducts mediation between the social partners, develops concepts of action in disputes and designs communication with employees and the external environment.
An appropriately conducted procedure of collective dispute allows to close it at the earliest stage possible, at the same time minimizing the risk of strike or other forms of protest. Care about lawful behaviour of the parties to a dispute and good faith in a dialogue increase chances to reach an agreement and allow to end a dispute with respect to interests of the parties.